Kelvin Brown, MD, MPH

Entrepreneur, Surgeon, Bariatric Specialist, Passionate Runner and Author

Need to Lose Weight?

Do you or a family member have a weight problem? Obesity is a major health problem for millions of Americans. Today, about 61 percent of adults, ages 20 to 74 years, are overweight or obese. This represents 110 million Americans.


Childhood Obesity Rates Soar


Today, childhood obesity has reached its highest level in 30 years. Skyrocketing rates of obesity have reached between 12 and 18 percent in 2- to 19-year-olds. Childhood obesity is a very serious health problem and is linked to the early development of diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension).

What contributes to these high numbers of people being overweight or obese? Americans are exercising less and eating less healthy foods than ever before.


How to Lose Weight


Unless you’re super active each day, eating as much food as you want will cause you to gain weight. And no matter what you’ve read online:  calories do count. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you take in.


There are different ways to lose weight. Sometimes, eliminating a favorite snack or cola from your daily diet may help you lose weight over time. For example, if you eliminate one cola a day (about 150 calories), this adds up to more than 50,000 calories a year or a possible weight reduction of 15 pounds. Now that’s if you don’t replace the cola with a high calorie candy bar or bag of potato chips.

Still, most people have to exercise regularly and follow a calorie-controlled diet to lose weight.


Sometimes losing weight is very difficult, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.  But following the recommendations in this Diet and Weight Loss Guide, you can start the path to a healthier weight and life.


As you lose weight, you will improve your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels. You can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other obesity-related problems. 


Besides that, losing weight helps you feel good about yourself. Losing just 10 or 15 pounds will allow you to be more active and enjoy social activities with family and friends.


If you have chronic pain or osteoarthritis, weight loss will help ease your pain.  In addition, you will sleep sounder, be healthier, and be more productive at home and on the job.


As you read through the Diet and Weight Loss guide, be sure and copy health topics that are relevant to you and your family.